The Power of the Word: Learn how to create your own reality

“Understand every word you speak. Analyze before you speak because you literally have power over your life over space time itself.”
Q: How does speaking negative thoughts impact me?
Billy Carson: “You speak it into existence. Never ever, ever speak bad about yourself. Things like saying ‘I suck or I can’t do this’. You're literally creating that reality for yourself in the past. People don't understand the law of attraction works in both ways. If you send out positive high frequency information into the universe, you're gonna get positive high frequency back. But if you're consistently talking low frequency, begging, pleading, hoping and angry frustration, you know, doubting and all those low frequency type things, then that's going to come back to you as well.”
Q: How do I stop this way of thinking?
Billy Carson: “You want to be speaking positive. Instead of saying ‘I suck at this, or I don't know how to do this,’ say ‘I'm gonna figure this out.’ It's all about restructuring how you say things and how you view things; ‘I'm going to become an expert at this or I am going to be great at this.’ Just flipping it around, you flip that switch and all of a sudden your reality begins to change little by little. The things that you need to come into your life to help achieve, acquire and be successful, start to manifest right before your eyes. Next thing you know, you're succeeding, you're excelling, and you're doing phenomenal.”
Q: What are ways to practice manifestation and positive thinking?
Billy Carson: “I think one of the biggest things is the power of the word. The power of spoken word, the power of actually speaking words and using conscious intent behind those words. The most important thing I could say for today that we can utilize today is to understand every word you speak. Analyze before you speak because you literally have power over your life over space time itself. That's how I look at everything. Everything that I decide that I want to do, I automatically assume I'm going to become an expert at it. I never have any doubt we're just like zero doubt. There's zero doubt I don't care what anybody says or anybody feels what trolls say on social media.”
Grow your mental health by speaking positively about yourself and developing confidence. When you speak with intention and have a growth mindset, you switch the narrative from “I can't do this” to “I am not an expert, yet but I will be.” Having a strong mental state in mind will attract the missing pieces of the puzzle on your journey to success.